Arabian mehndi designs are extremely popular among mehndi enthusiasts and artisans. There are a number of reasons that offer backup to this statement. First of all, the design is simple and does not involve a great deal of detailed and intricate work. The designs are mostly done with the use of floral patterns which can be made pretty easily as compared to others.
With the pattern covering no more than a finger of the hand, the can be completed in no more than five minutes while the whole thing dries up in no more than ten minutes. It is easier to cover the diagonal strip area of the hand as it employs a thick line in the mehndi design. The modern world is all about efficiency and time savings, and the Arabian mehndi designs for hands encompass both these crucial factors.
Now let us learn more about some of the mehndi Arabic styles you can try out this festive season at your home.
This is one of the most typical backhand Arabian mehndi styles in vogue at present. It is drawn using very intricate motifs in the shape of a leaf. The main string of leaves run down the middle finger leaving all your other fingers free for accessories such as rings and won’t hide this wonderful mehndi design on your hand. There are miniature designs that beautifully decorate the tips of the fingers.
Image credit: new mehandi designs
This backhand Arabic mehndi design for back hands is an appropriate example of using henna as an accessory as well. It starts from the middle finger on both your hands and runs down the back of your hand all the way down to your wrist. This mehndi design bears complete resemblance to the jewelry where the ring is attached to your finger and covers the back of your hand. The style is pretty traditional and complete with bead works and flower motifs.
This is a traditional Arabian that comes with an extremely modern twist. It has a resemblance to tribal block designs and run down along your little finger. This mehndi features a very trendy and chic design that makes it a good option for all casual events. It can be used simply as a henna tattoo without the application of mehndi on the palms.
Here is an Arabian mehndi design for the hand that will suit the bride as well as her friends on the event of a marriage celebration. The pattern is a very simple one and comprises only creepers, leaves, and flowers. It allows adequate amount of space between the two patterns which makes for a relatively non-messy look. The mehndi Arabian style on both the back of the hand as well as the palm are pretty identical to one another. The use of black mehndi enhances the borders while regular mehndi fills up the remaining Arabic mehndi design.
This is an abstract Arabic mehndi design that is well suited for the back of the hand. Emphasis is given to the central areas with geometrical shapes being used in order to establish this pattern. Traditional leaf motifs and flowers are not in use in this mehndi style which makes this Arabian mehndi elegant yet pretty unique.
This is an Arabic mehndi design for the backhand that is pretty popular among the masses and you are likely to spot it frequently around you. There is a similar pattern on both the hands and they extend till almost the half section of your arm. It features a heavy use of decorated creepers and leaves while an adequate spacing among the Arabian mehndi design makes it look elegant and non-messy.
If you are planning on inking a new tattoo, then this mehndi style will suit just fine. You can adorn it as a henna tattoo and not be required to suffer the pain of having to go under a needle. This Arabian mehndi resembles a modern day tattoo with leaves motifs and rose buds. Three similar patterns are drawn along the length of the hand with suitable spacing to make the design look appealing.
While Arabic mehndi styles are not popular for their use of human or animal figures, this pattern is a standout in this regard. There is a peacock that covers the entire hand. Thanks to the absence of any intricate details, the design gets a refined and clean look about it. The fingers have miniature patterns drawn on them, allowing the overall style to be simple but unique.
This is another commonly used Arabian mehndi design for the backhand. The hand is filled up with bold flower patterns which are easy to design and apply. Black mehndi is usually used for drawing the outline while normal henna fills up the style. This pattern suits women of all ages and is a good fit for all occasions.
A heavy studded mehndi, it is one of the more difficult styles for you to manage on your own. Various mehndi varieties are used here such as normal henna, red mehndi, and black mehndi. There are small and big stones placed along the pattern to enhance the overall design. The finger tips also have small pearls added on top of them. This is a unique design that will add a great element of uniqueness to your regular Arabian mehndi style. Now, you may be feeling like how to apply these vulnerable designs to flaunt your look on Diwali. Well, there are many tutorial videos available online that can help you guiding step by step process. You may start up learning with Simple mehndi designs followed by traditional Pakistani mehndi , and Arabic mehndi . Simple Mehndi Designs:
They are very simple to draw. Lines, curves, flowers, dots are basic patterns to start up as beginner.
Traditional Pakistani Mehndi Design: These designs are fusion of Arabic and Indian designs. Ladies use black henna to apply such designs.
Arabic Mehndi Design: These designs have thick border and heavy patterns. Such designs applied diagonally over hand.
Hope this article helped you to come out with intricate mehndi design. Please share if there any other mehndi design that you would recommend? We are waiting to hear from you!